※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1bN4DhTU ] 作者: kevinwei223 (Let's Go Warriors) 看板: NBA 標題: [花邊] 咖哩場均5.5顆三分 成為隊史上場最久球員 時間: Tue Nov 21 13:43:05 2023 https://twitter.com/statmuse/status/1726832005017415822 Steph is averaging 5.5 threes per game this season. The most in NBA history. 咖哩本季場均能進5.5顆三分球,暫居NBA歷史最多。 單季場均三分進球排名(Curry和Luka為本季至今) http://i.imgur.com/jjGp7Ne.jpg
https://twitter.com/warriors/status/1726829839666303351 Stephen Curry has now played more minutes than ANY Warrior in franchise history. The franchise's minutes played record was previously held by Nate Thurmond. Curry現在成為勇士隊史上,上場最久(分鐘數)的球員。 此隊史紀錄之前是由Nate Thurmond保持。 http://i.imgur.com/QIddxH3.jpg
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killuaz: 剩下的比賽全勤、且每場5顆,就能破402了XD ,402真的好 11/22 16:29
killuaz: 難啊... 11/22 16:29
waderu: 咖哩:當我不用分心在控球時... 11/22 18:31
Dragonfly168: 咖哩:當我不必被柯學家逼著三節打卡時... 11/22 21:43