※ 引述《thnlkj0665 (灰色地帶)》之銘言: : 標題: [情報] 塞爾提克隊 預計將於週四訪問白宮 : 時間: Tue Nov 19 23:21:49 2024 : : 消息來源: : : https://www.wmur.com/article/boston-celtics-to-visit-white-house-2024/62941433 : : NBA champion Boston Celtics to visit White House later this week : : 塞爾提克隊在上個球季成功奪得聯盟總冠軍 : : 全隊預計將會在美國時間星期四訪問白宮,接受總統拜登接見 : : : 短評或心得: : : 川普上任之後,冠軍隊可能就不會再去白宮了 : : 推 yochiya : 金塊都沒去了 急著表忠嗎 11/19 23:26 : 推 KirkSynder : 金塊12/7作客華盛頓巫師不知道會不會補去 11/20 00:26 : → outdowave : 金塊奪冠為什麼沒去? 11/20 00:29 一開始看到Y大推文金塊沒去查了一下,但是O大問為什麼沒去 我也覺得很好奇就查了一下,看到的是這篇https://shorturl.at/DXQCl Why aren't the Nuggets visiting the White House? Coach Michael Malone says it's not because of playoff seeding 內文有長點 只節錄三段重點 Denver canceled its scheduled visit to the White House, which was set for March 18, forgoing the tradition of the defending NBA champion stopping by Washington D.C. for a brief ceremony with the president. 丹佛金塊隊取消了原訂在3/18日衛冕冠軍要去造訪白宮的行程 [不重要內容跳過] The real answer is evidently even simpler. The meet-and-greet with U.S. President Joe Biden was scheduled to take place between two road games, as the Nuggets face the Mavericks in Dallas on March 17 and the Timberwolves in Minneapolis on March 19. Washington D.C. isn't exactly a convenient stop between those two cities, and neither game figures to be a walk in the park for Denver. (取消)的真正原因很簡單要造訪白宮的行程訂在二場客場之旅的中間(3/17作客灰狼 3/19作客獨行俠,所以趁中間沒打的那一天去)但是這二隊都不好對付,就更加沒有 餘裕跑去華盛頓了 So, why did the Nuggets agree to that date in the first place? They were originally set to visit President Biden around their Jan. 22 game against the Wizards, in line with the common practice of the reigning NBA champion scheduling its visit during a Washington D.C. road trip, but the White House called off the event due to scheduling conflicts. The Nuggets are returning the favor this time, but it's not due to any political issues. 按慣例通常是1/22作客華盛頓巫師的時候就近造訪白宮,但是白宮方面因為行程衝突 所以取消原訂行程,而金塊隊也是僅僅因為行程緊湊所以也取消了行程(而接下來隨 著季後賽逼近,更是沒有時間了)而不是出於政治上的因素。 所以金塊沒能去成是因為1/22白宮先取消行程,那我就有點好奇,這種早早排定的行 程會被取消應該是發生了什麼大事吧,不然來看一下拜登那一天在幹嘛好了,就找到 CBS的這篇新聞 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-harris-campaign-abortion-rights-advocacy-r https://shorturl.at/GXeXL Biden-Harris campaign to unveil new effort to push abortion rights advocacy ahead of Roe anniversary President Biden's reelection campaign is preparing to highlight abortion rights in the lead-up to the anniversary of the Supreme Court's landmark Roe v. Wade decision, CBS News has learned, seeking to tie the upcoming election to a "woman's right to make her own health care decisions — including the very possible reality of a MAGA Republican-led national abortion ban." 根據CBS記者的了解,拜登總統的連任競選主軸會著眼於墮胎權議題,以對抗川普的 MAGA共和黨可能施行的全國墮胎禁令,而著名的羅訴韋德就發生在51年前的1/22日 原來是碰到競選連任的重要議題的大日子,那也沒辦法,希望金塊12/7日能跟白宮協調 好,一年只有一次去華盛頓的機會。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt-website.tw), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://ptt-website.tw/NBA/M.1732041750.A.B0C
misteri : 我比較好奇的是,上季和上上季冠軍,球員一定和現 11/20 03:34
misteri : 在有出入,那要怎麼辦? 11/20 03:34
turnpoint : 當然是根據球隊現有的陣容去啊,只要主將沒換就不 11/20 07:06
turnpoint : 尷尬 11/20 07:06
CRChen : 是說暴龍奪冠完有去嗎?還是他們是去見加拿大總理? 11/20 08:18
riokio: 包養開心結交心靈契合友人。 11/20 08:18
KirkSynder : 記得川普那4年勇士*2暴龍湖人通通沒去再來只有金塊 11/20 11:53
JRSmith : 見小土豆 11/20 13:39